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Monday, June 29, 2009

American Dental Association Greed ADAG

June 29, 2009

Mary Otto, of The Washington Post did a nice job writing the article, “Putting Teeth in Health-Care Reform” (link below). She quoted a number of dental professionals including American Dental Association’s executive director Kathleen T. O’Loughlin, quoting the dental healthcare needs of the American people. No doubt, we need a national healthcare emphasis on the connection of good oral health and its relationship to a healthy body, mind and spirit and it will take a team effort and this includes all professions involved with oral healthcare.

The American Dental Association, due to its greed, wastes so much time and money pushing other professions away from the table and preventing our professions from serving those that we have been trained and educated to serve. The American Dental Association uses money to fight Dental Hygienist from having independent practices, the American Dental Association fights and prevents Denturist from having independent practices and in most cases funnels money to state dental associations to prosecute Denturist so they can’t provide affordable denture care to people with disparities. The American Dental Associations waste money fighting Alaska to prevent Dental Health Aid Therapists from providing dental services to the Natives of Alaska living in remote areas.

Is the American Dental Association really concerned about the American people’s dental needs? Yes, I think they are, as long as they can charge what they do and as long as they can keep people waiting for a month or two while the American Dental Association keeps the competition suppressed. I’m licensed and educated to provide affordable denture care as a denturist. The American Dental Association’s money closed me down and keeps the Wyoming Legislature from regulating my profession. They used to call it a monopoly but the Federal Trade Commission turns their head as long as the American Dental Association claims I’m practicing dentistry without a license.

The money that the American Dental Association is spending on a campaign to polish up its public image; wouldn’t all this wasted time and money I’ve mentioned be better spent providing educational programs to the above mentioned professions the American Dental Association spends so much time and money fighting? Healthcare reform can not be about greed. Greed is what got us into this mess in the first place. I’m in agreement with ADA’s, President O’Loughlins statement on “bolstering the public health system for those with disparities.”
It could be a team effort so please let me serve. Thank you.

Gary W. Vollan L.D. 307-568-2047
State Coordinator, Wyoming State Denturist Association, www.wysda.org

Ref: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/22/AR2009062201658.html

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